Stress management techniques that might help.

  Stress has a strong and lasting impact on peoples lives and can lead to adverse conditions. Apart from causing hurdles in personal space, it can have drastic consequences on one health, ability to function or perform properly at school or professional space. It can negatively take a toll on one  energy levels, moods, and relationships/social life. The recent survey conducted by Gallup for the year 2018 revealed that people around the world are feeling increasingly stressed, worried, and are in pain than ever.

There are many stress management techniques that you can try. some of the most popular ones include:

1. Exercise/Yoga

Regular work-out/exercise is good for the body and keeps stress levels in control. Physical activities like lifting weights, walking release stress-combating hormones and has contradictory effects of putting physical stress on the body and relieving mental stress. Regular exercise helps to effectively manage stress and reduce feelings of anxiety. Yoga is one of the popular 

practiced across the globe by all age groups. Yoga helps to raise body and breath awareness and is a great stress buster. Many other physical activities such as Pilates, Tai Chi or sports help to effectively reduce stress.

2. Mindfulness Meditation

This is the first Stress Management Strategy. One of the most widely used techniques across the world, meditation offers relaxation to mind and body. It is a powerful technique to overcome stress. Based on deep breathing, meditation gives peace of mind and improved focus.

3. Self-Care

The well-known saying, Health is Wealth, is so true as without taking good care of health, one cannot work properly. So, when it comes to managing stress, taking care of self is vital. One needs to maintain a healthy diet and take adequate sleep to function properly and to keep physical ailments at bay. Resorting to substance abuse such as alcohol or drugs should be prohibited as it further worsens stress. Thus, the role of a healthy lifestyle and good habits cannot be undermined in curbing stress.

4. Reading Books

What better way to stay away from the stressors than picking up a good book to read. Reading improves concentration and keeps the mind away from stressful thoughts. It diverts the mind and thus is an effective method to lessen stress.

5. Socializing with Friends and Family

Being in the company of loved ones helps to relax and enables one to share their concerns or problems. This allows for freeing up the feelings and garnering emotional support. Studies reveal that socializing helps in the release of the hormone called Oxytocin, which is a stress reliever.

6. Keep a Positive Mindset

Many times, stress is a result of our own thoughts, and therefore, one has to train the mind to adopt a new perspective and develop a positive attitude. Self-affirmation takes away unnecessary stress. Although stress and feelings of worry can arise in personal and professional life, tackling stress by implementing the above-listed tips can help to keep the stressors away. So, it is time to live more and worry less!

               Here is the Video that might help!


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